Berrigan South - Gold
McKenzieTownship, Quebec (NTS 32G/16)

This block of claims constitutes the second largest block of claims of CBG’s Chibougamau holdings and is comprised of 23 claims covering 1,134 hectares located contiguous and south of the Berrigan claims and are subject to a 3% gross metal royalty to Globex.
The Berrigan South mineralization is located about 200 m SE of the Main Berrigan deposit and shows similar geologic, structural and geometric complexities as the Main Zone and is generally thought to represent VMS style mineralization (pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena) remobilised within an EW fault structure. Historic exploration has consisted predominantly of diamond drilling. A non NI 43-101 compliant historic resource dated 1959 reports an estimate of 285,600 t grading 0.58 gpt Au. Bitech (1987-1990) and Teck Corp (1992-1994) who also drilled the main Berrigan deposit did not attempt to review the resource calculation following their own drilling of this zone.
No field exploration work has yet been undertaken by CBG although geologic field investigation will be carried out in 2013 once the historic data compilation has been more rigorously interpreted.