Lac Simon - Gold
Scott Township, Quebec (NTS 32G/15)

The property is situated 17 miles (27 km) southwest of the town of Chibougamau and consists of 3 claims covering 167 hectares in Scott Township, Quebec, Canada, which are wholly owned by Chibougamau Independent Mines inc. subject to a 3% Gross Metal Royalty to Globex.
The original zone of mineralization was found on a small island by prospectors working for Noranda ML in 1935. Sampling in 1955, by Chibougamau Mines Syndicate returned a value of 11.28% zinc, 0.14 ounces per ton gold, 0.64 ounces per ton silver and 0.24% copper from this area. Magnetometer and geological surveys were carried out by Crown Chibougamau Corp. in 1956, with subsequent drilling carried out by Canex Minerals. An intersection under the showing returned a value of 0.29% Zn over a length of 17 feet.
The area was re-staked in 1977 and optioned to Canray Resources (Dennison Mines) using fraudulent data, which was eventually exposed by drilling results, although some mineralized zones were intersected. Canray’s best intersection was 7.2% zinc and 0.051 oz/T gold over 7.8 feet in drill hole C-9.
The area was covered by an airborne magnetometer and VLF-EM survey flown by Minnova in 1990. Prospecting in the area was carried out by Jack Stoch Consulting Services Ltd. during 1991, followed up by a horizontal loop survey in 1992. Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. carried out an induced polarization survey to explore for the source, in the up-glacial direction, of the located quartz-gold-copper mineralized boulder floats. The company also drilled three short holes to test the IP results in 1994. This drilling failed to explain the 1994 IP zones, which remain as valid bedrock exploration targets.
The claim group is underlain by the Chibougamau Pluton, a polyphased intrusive principally composed of hornblende diorite and tonalite. Structurally the area forms part of the south arm of the Chibougamau anticline. The property is mainly covered by water of Scott Lake, with several islands dotting the claims.
A base metal showing associated with a shear zone is located on an island, termed Zinc Island by GJSL personnel, in the southwest half of the property. A sulfide bearing sample collected in 1988 from this area returned a value of 0.23 ounces per ton gold, 0.09% copper and 18.71% zinc from within a 60 degree striking shear zone. Mineralized auriferous quartz-copper float has also been found on the shore of islands to the southeast, while quartz vein float material has been found on the shore of islands in the centre of the claim group. Two float vein samples collected from a shoal, southeast of Isle Joe, returned values of 0.02 oz/T gold, 0.15% copper and 0.11 oz/T gold, 2.57% copper while floats on Joe Island returned up to 1.63 oz/t gold and 8.2 % copper.