Copper Cliff Extension - Gold, Copper
McKenzieTownship, Quebec (NTS 32G/16)

The property consists of 7 claims totaling 91 hectares and is subject to a 3% gross metal royalty to Globex.
The claims lie immediately east of the Copper Cliff shaft and cover part of the underground workings going eastward. During the period 1970 to 1974, 864,382 tonnes grading 1.69% Cu, 0.96 g/t Au and 6.5 g/t Ag were mined. Allard (1976) estimates however the total production at Copper Cliff was more likely in the order of 1.2Mt grading 1.8% Cu. Non NI 43-101 compliant 1975 historical resources of 50,600 t grading 1.0% Cu, 0.86 g/t Au are reported.
At Copper Cliff, as with most of the Cu-Au mines within the Lac Doré Complex, the mineralization which has been mined is commonly associated to dikes referred to as “Mines Dikes”. These pre-mineral dikes are injected into the deformation corridors and include “Grey Dikes” (fine grained, feldspathic) and “Mafic Dikes” (dark green color, usually rich in chlorite). Post mineral sinistral strike slip faults result in very limited horizontal displacement of the mineralized zones.
Two different styles of mineralization have been identified at Copper Cliff and include:
Type 1: Highly foliated sulphide rich veins (chalcopyrite, pyrite, magnetite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and arsenopyrite) which form lenses up to 100 m long and up to 5 m thick.
Type 2: Horizontal extension fractures which cross cut the main foliation and which are quite limited in length (20 m) and in thickness (1 cm to 50 cm).
Other sub parallel vein systems are also recognized and include:
Siderite North Zone: Located 400 metres north of the shaft, this zone has been mined between levels ‐122 metre to level -205 metre where it is closely associated with Zone # 1. At this location, anorthositic gabbro of the Lac Doré Complex is in contact with the Lac Sauvage iron formation.
Zone “Siderite South” or 6-16-10: Located 275 metres south of the main shaft and is associated with Zone # 2.
Zone 12-21-36: Located at level -388 metre, some 600 metres to the south of the main shaft, this zone is also related to Zone # 2. The mineralization encountered at Copper Cliff is represented by Au-Ag-Cu-Zn-Fe.
No field work was undertaken by Globex in 2012 on this property which continues in 2013 to undergo detailed technical review of its historic exploration and mining data aimed at defining specific drill targets in the current year. |